products--Non-satandard Steel Pipe Making Machine Supplier In China


Large Diameter Pipe Bending Machine
The Large Diameter Pipe Bending Machine bend the MAX pipe diameter can be 1420 mm, the MAX wall thickness can be 120 mm , and the large diameter pipe bending machine can be sectionally designed and manufactured.
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Hot Pipe Bending Machine
For the Hot Pipe Bending Machine cost efficiency, the straight material is less costly than standard components (e.g. elbows) and the bends can be produced faster than standard components can be welded.
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Hot Bending Machine
The Hot Bending Machine technology allows bending of an almost unlimited variety in materials. The only requirement is that they can be heated by induction.
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Induction Pipe Bender
The Induction Pipe Bender can be designed and manufactured according to user’s required technical parameters such as bend diameter, wall thickness and radius.
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